Thursday, August 11, 2011


The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Whoop! You people are in for a treat!! Well, really my brain is. Because I happen to be one of those people who keeps a list of things like this. So I'm just going to type my little list and let you fine folks be inspired by the hopes and dreams of a girl from a small town with oodles of moxie and boat loads of determination.
Did that sound like the back cover of the cheesiest movie ever made?? Because that's what I was going for.
1. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's
2. Witness a heroic act

3. Sing karaoke in public
4. Win a game of Dance Dance Revolution
(the real thing, not the home version)
5. Read top 50 classic books
6. See the Grand Canyon
7. Go to New York City
8. Attend a pub crawl
9. Witness a proposal
10. Take a major fashion risk
(i.e. purple hair, partial nudity, parachute pants, etc.)
11. Change someone's life with a simple act
12. Help a stranger
13. Kiss someone on the first date
14. Take part in a protest
15. Talk to a random stud
16. Watch all the Star Wars movies in a row
17. Train Muggle to do something impressive
18. See a Broadway show

19. Watch a local band in concert
20. Live in a different city
21. Have a romantic picnic
22. Become in tune with nature
23. Hike somewhere or up something
24. Make money doing something I enjoy
25. Attend 5 churches I'm actually interested in
26. Be content with myself
27. Own and know all the Beatles albums
28. Drive to a coast
29. Follow my heart/instincts a la Eat Pray Love and/or Fight Club
30. Keep sense of humor no matter what a la Bridget Jones

31. Find beauty and worth in everything and everyone
32. Practice what I preach in all aspects of life
33. Work for a charity
34. Teach someone a life lesson
35. See London
36. See Ireland
37. Make a decorative pillow
38. Attend a music festival
39. Love someone, holding nothing back
40. Know somebody's darkest secret
41. Have a RomCom moment in real life
42. Fix something on a car
43. Run/walk a half marathon
44. Ride a real train
45. Be involved with a cause
46. Make a dead body chalk outline on a random sidewalk

47. Learn how to skateboard
48. Go to New Orleans
(sub-goal: drunken Marti Gras in New Orleans)
49. Commute via bicycle
50. Get a tan from the sun, not a tanning bed 
51. Go skinny dipping in a public area
52. Impromptu road trip
53. Go camping as an adult
54. Take part in a flash mob
55. Contribute to NPR
56. Finish decorating my home
57. Compile a list of my personal favorite HP quotes

58. Watch an episode of Ghost Hunters and not be scared afterwards
59. Graduate from college
60. Adopt an accent like Madonna
61. Buy an "As Seen On TV" product 
62. Paint a mural
63. Find a practical use for my extensive knowledge of Will Ferrell movies

*I have actually done some of these before, but due to various circumstances have decided to redo them. 

1 comment:

  1. 3. Sing karaoke in public (We should)
    6. See the Grand Canyon (I want to see it at sunrise)
    8. Attend a pub crawl (just a few more months)
    18. See a Broadway show (agree)
    19. Watch a local band in concert (we did this last weekend)!!!!!
    43. Run/walk a half marathon (we need to get on that ish)
    51. Go skinny dipping in a public area (you are too chicken)
    53. Go camping as an adult (me too)
    54. Take part in a flash mob (definitely wanna do it)
    62. Paint a mural (totes on mine too)
